No one can tell why a person becomes part of the chosen ones. Yes, I´m talking about why someone is trans, and I didn´t use the word chosen as a joke; I genuinely believe that some tests are meant to push you to the limit and turn you into the best possible version of yourself. Any situation that demands the best of you is a double-edged sword; of course, it can make you or break you, but we´re starting to see a trend of trans people thriving beautifully.

Could we say that things are easier now for trans people? Well, no… and yes. On the one hand, there are all those anti-trans bills from those who want to gain a political advantage by stirring hate.  On the other hand, we are better organized and informed, gaining a lot of ground. That’s actually the reason for the increased resistance; haters know they’re running out of arguments. 

Maybe you´ve even noticed that we defend ourselves with one of the most excellent tools to disarm the haters: humor! Laughing at the whole situation, even at ourselves, is like a balm for the soul. It is a change of attitude that does it, and it’s our choice to look at the opportunity for growth given the situation instead of choosing victimhood. Wayne Dyer used to say:

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

What a wonderful thing to be given that choice! What a great way of taking our power back when others want to steal it! This is not about tricking the mind or plain positive thinking but maximizing our chances and choosing love when others choose to hate. 

Every person who has decided to transition has chosen bravery over fear. We´re not stupid; we know what’s coming if we choose to transition, but living in the shadows and letting others step over our authenticity is something we´re not allowing. The most recent articles against gender-affirming care, attempting to pass as scientific studies and unbiased when they’re not (like the “Cass Review”) argue that it´s not convenient to transition given the aggression that we would receive… FROM THEM!! What a nerve…

But our identity is our business, and every phase of the TransFamily Gender Journey presents us with many lessons. Every lesson passed means receiving lavish gifts.  

This Pride Month, we want to change the narrative, take it over, and celebrate the euphoria and the joy of who we are! If this humanity is destined to evolve, there’s no other way but through inclusivity, connection, and honoring the beautiful diversity each of us brings to the community.

Let´s be visible, let’s keep conquering spaces and showing the world how wonderful we are!

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No one can tell why a person becomes part of the chosen ones. Yes, I´m talking about why someone is trans, and I didn´t use the word chosen as a joke; I genuinely believe that some tests are meant to push you to the limit and turn you into the best possible version of yourself. Any situation that demands the best of you is a double-edged sword; of course, it can make you or break you, but we´re starting to see a trend of trans people thriving beautifully.

Could we say that things are easier now for trans people? Well, no… and yes. On the one hand, there are all those anti-trans bills from those who want to gain a political advantage by stirring hate.  On the other hand, we are better organized and informed, gaining a lot of ground. That’s actually the reason for the increased resistance; haters know they’re running out of arguments. 

Maybe you´ve even noticed that we defend ourselves with one of the most excellent tools to disarm the haters: humor! Laughing at the whole situation, even at ourselves, is like a balm for the soul. It is a change of attitude that does it, and it’s our choice to look at the opportunity for growth given the situation instead of choosing victimhood. Wayne Dyer used to say:

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

What a wonderful thing to be given that choice! What a great way of taking our power back when others want to steal it! This is not about tricking the mind or plain positive thinking but maximizing our chances and choosing love when others choose to hate. 

Every person who has decided to transition has chosen bravery over fear. We´re not stupid; we know what’s coming if we choose to transition, but living in the shadows and letting others step over our authenticity is something we´re not allowing. The most recent articles against gender-affirming care, attempting to pass as scientific studies and unbiased when they’re not (like the “Cass Review”) argue that it´s not convenient to transition given the aggression that we would receive… FROM THEM!! What a nerve…

But our identity is our business, and every phase of the TransFamily Gender Journey presents us with many lessons. Every lesson passed means receiving lavish gifts.  

This Pride Month, we want to change the narrative, take it over, and celebrate the euphoria and the joy of who we are! If this humanity is destined to evolve, there’s no other way but through inclusivity, connection, and honoring the beautiful diversity each of us brings to the community.

Let´s be visible, let’s keep conquering spaces and showing the world how wonderful we are!

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Find Out Where You Are On Your Journey And Understand The Path Ahead

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