The TransFamily Alliance

Moving You From Confusion & Fear
to Clarity & Confidence

Moving You From Confusion & Fear
to Clarity & Confidence

An Education and Resource Hub for Parents Raising Trans Youth

We’re Opening the Doors!
Join the TransFamily Alliance Today!

Find Connection, Resources, and Guidance for Your Family’s Journey in a Safe Space.

Limited-Time Access! Join the TransFamily Alliance Community Before October Ends!

Empowering Parents Through Knowledge

All the information you need, in one place.

Video Recordings

Hundreds of hours of recorded material answering all of your questions, updated regularly.

Gender Journey

Your Gender Journey explained step-by-step.

Network & Support

24/7 access to supportive networking with like-minded parents. Enjoy private messaging and forums on a secure, ad-free platform.

Live Q&A and Virtual Meetings

Regular Live Q&A meetings with Dr. Shawn. Live virtual small group support meetings.


Professionally-curated resources with the latest data to guide your decisions on social, medical, and legal transitions.

Expert Interviews and Events

Educational workshops & interviews with experts on topics you request. Special networking events.

Join TransFamily Alliance Premium Network

At TransFamily Alliance, we are committed to providing a supportive and educational space for families and individuals navigating gender diversity. To maintain a high-quality experience for all our members, we have transitioned to a quarterly admission process.

How It Works:

  • Admission Periods: We open our doors to new members at the start of January, April, July, and October each year.

  • Focused Intake: This approach allows us to provide a curated onboarding experience, ensuring that each member receives the attention and resources they need.

  • Community Preparation: Between admissions, our team enhances community resources and prepares engaging activities for the next cohort.


If you’ve missed this quarter’s enrollment period, we invite you to join our waitlist. Being on the waitlist gives you the advantage of:

  • Early Access: Receive early notification about the upcoming enrollment period.

  • Exclusive Updates: Get updates about our community activities and upcoming events.

  • Priority Registration: Secure your spot before we open admissions to the wider public.

Click the Button Below and Join the TransFamily Alliance Today!

THE best place for you to get the support you need while raising healthy, well adjusted, and happy transgender/non-binary/gender expansive kids.

We truly are better together!

Standard Membership is $34.99 (Ind) / $49.99 (plus 1) a month OR
get two months free and pay $349.99 / $499.99 for the year


(See FAQ for several payment plans available to meet your families financial needs)

Why Is This Helpful to You?

You likely started your own journey with lots of confusion, fear, and doubt or this may be where you find yourself now. You may have even experienced periods of loss or grief. And if you’re like most parents on this path, you’ve experienced lots of pressure to make decisions quickly that you don’t or didn’t feel prepared to make, or have felt pushed against your beliefs.

Many parents ask…

  • How do I know this is real?
  • How do I know what is right for my child?
  • What if I can’t protect my child?
  • Will anyone ever love my child?
  • What will their future be?
  • What did I do wrong?
  • I support my child, so why do I feel so sad?
Parent Community

Can you relate?

Navigating your child’s gender journey can be overwhelming, especially when family members are at different stages of understanding. It’s tough to catch up while your child eagerly seeks change, and feelings of isolation can be daunting.

But here’s the silver lining: with the right support, resources, and time, you can gain confidence in your parenting decisions and clarity about the best approach for your child and family. Many parents have shared that having a supportive community and access to accurate information was a game-changer for them.

That’s why I’ve built a community in partnership with parents like you. Drawing from your insights, questions, and my extensive resources and experience, our goal is to guide you from confusion and fear to clarity and confidence.

Even if you’ve found clarity, life’s challenges never cease. It’s always beneficial to have a supportive circle to share concerns with or learn from others on a similar path. Remember, we’re stronger together!

Navigating your child’s gender journey can be overwhelming, especially when family members are at different stages of understanding. It’s tough to catch up while your child eagerly seeks change, and feelings of isolation can be daunting.

But here’s the silver lining: with the right support, resources, and time, you can gain confidence in your parenting decisions and clarity about the best approach for your child and family. Many parents have shared that having a supportive community and access to accurate information was a game-changer for them.

That’s why I’ve built a community in partnership with parents like you. Drawing from your insights, questions, and my extensive resources and experience, our goal is to guide you from confusion and fear to clarity and confidence.

Even if you’ve found clarity, life’s challenges never cease. It’s always beneficial to have a supportive circle to share concerns with or learn from others on a similar path. Remember, we’re stronger together!

Discover the TransFamily Journey

Together we will explore the 6 Phases & Milestones of the TransFamily Gender Journey and the Steps to Gender Affirmative Parenting

Dive into the 6 Phases & Milestones of the TransFamily Gender Journey and the steps to Gender Affirmative Parenting at our education and resource hub.

Navigating this path, you’ll quickly realize you’re not alone. The journey often begins with overwhelming fear and confusion.

In a vast sea of mixed opinions and misinformation, seeking out accurate, science-backed information becomes a daunting task, often leading to feelings of isolation.

But here’s the beacon of hope: we are here to guide you through the noise. We’re committed to providing you with the latest, accurate information on trans and family health, distinguishing fact from fiction. Together, we navigate this journey.

As you master your own Gender Journey as a parent, you will discover…

  • The tools to gain clarity about your child’s authentic gender.
  • How to let go or any denial, anger, and bargaining and work through beliefs that make it hard to understand your child’s experience.
  • How to let go of blame and feeling responsible for your child’s gender or expression.
  • Gain clarity about the construct and basics of gender, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Understand the development of gender, gender identity, and the experience of gender dysphoria as it appears for your child.
  • Clearly know the process of social, medical, and legal transitions.
  • Know where to find accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Better understand the influence on your child of issues like depression, social anxiety, OCD, etc.
  • Know where to find support from other parents of trans youth, professionals, and the transgender community and accept it.
  • Develop a personal awareness and understanding of your own gender development and how that influences your parenting.
  • Increase your awareness of the influence of your culture and community on your ideas around gender.
  • Experience an inner resilience as as you reconcile feelings of fear, grief & loss.
  • Understanding the process of social transitions and how they relate to your child’s and family’s needs.
  • Understanding what medical transitions are, what’s available, and how they relate to your child’s and family’s needs.
  • Understanding legal transitions, if and why they may be necessary, and how these relate to your child’s and family’s needs.
  • Knowing how and when to work with insurance companies, based on your location and the needs of your child.
  • Open communication with your child.
  • Acceptance and understanding of your child’s gender and their gender journey.
  • Knowing how to tell other’s about your child’s gender and your role as a parent of a trans/gender diverse child.
  • Knowing when to share about your child’s gender and your role as a parent.
  • Advocate for your child and family at school, with extended family, medical providers, and places of worship.
  • Understand and help manage the intersections of identity for your child, including neurodiversity, differing ability, sexuality, etc.
  • Protect yourself, your child, and family from bullies.
  • Launch your trans/non-binary child when the time is right.
  • Advocate for trans youth and the trans community on legal and policy levels.

Here are my thoughts & approach

This is your community!

We continuously build, maintain, and create content to meet your needs.

Here is some of what you will have available to you…

  • Hundreds of hours of recorded material with all of your questions answered, updated weekly
  • Gender Journey explained step-by-step
  • A 24/7, private, nonjudgmental, community made up ONLY of parents/caregivers of trans or gender non-binary youth (and some gender affirming support staff).
  • Live virtual support meetings – private, secure, and geared towards your needs.
  • Workshops and Live Q&A sessions dedicated to helping you on your own TransFamily Gender Journey
  • A central location for professionally curated, accurate, and fully searchable resources.
  • Interviews with experts on topics you want to know more about.
  • The ability to network with parents all over the world, as well as easily connect with parents who are nearby.
  • Parent-run live chat groups, private messaging, and threaded discussions.
  • Private, secure, ad-free, easy-to-use interface.
  • Android or IOS app so you don’t need a computer to stay connected.

And Much, Much, More…

How much does it cost?

Many parents of trans youth have spent over $500 monthly…that’s $6000 to $8000 a year… on therapy, support groups, and attending conferences to access all of this and rarely in a time frame that works for them.

One 30 minute consultation with a medical or legal expert can costs hundreds of dollars.

The live support and direct access you get to me each month is worth well over $1200.

While the TransFamily Alliance is certainly not a replacement for therapy, we believe that most parents don’t need therapy, they need support and resources.

If you add it all up this would cost you around $1700 a month, but the TransFamily Alliance is here to help you with all of this for a fraction of the price.

If you do need the help of a therapist, having access to these resources can only enhance your work, and allow you to really hone in on what is most important in your sessions, saving you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, in the long run.

Come join us as a new member and your price will be $34.99 for a single parent/caregiver
or $49.99 a month (for 2 caregivers) or join with a payment plan accessible to you.

This is 98% off what you would usually spend and offers you so much more and conveniently available online and catered around your busy schedule!

You’ll get the support and resources you need when you need them, wherever you are on your journey.

Here’s the best part though…

If you join us now not only will your price be 98% off what you would normally pay for all of this, but you’ll be locked into that price for as long as you remain a member, even if the price goes up!

Another option is to join with an annual membership, at $349.99 or $499.99, which gives you an extra two months free.

As a member of the TransFamily Alliance you get access to all the network resources, private groups, including all professional trainings and expert interviews for free, as well as anything new we add in the future…

Everything on entire site for as long as you stay a member.

Get Bonuses

Bonus # 1…
The Gender Basics Workshop for Parents

This interactive workshop explores the biological/psychological constructs of sex, gender, and sexuality.

You will discover the terminology every parent should know, how to explore these concepts with your child, and what to avoid. Media and cultural narratives are uncovered with an understanding of how these messages impact you, your family, and your child. We will also cover the basics of gender dysphoria, types of transitions, and models of addressing these that are commonly used.

(A $49 value – Free)

Bonus #2… Gender Identity Development Workshop for Parents

This interactive and experiential workshop explores in depth the developmental experience of trans, non-binary, and gender diverse children, youth, and their families.

It helps parents understand their child’s experience of growing up and navigating “normal” developmental processes like puberty, school, dating, work, peers, etc. and the different experiences that being gender diverse add to the mix.

(a $90 value – Free)

TransFamily Alliance: Parent support Network

Essential access starts at $24.99 per month for an individual caregiver or $34.99 per Month/ for 2 caregivers
OR get two months free and pay $249.99 / $349.99 for the year.

and stay locked in at the price you choose as long as you stay a member, even when the price goes up.

This Community Can Take You from Fear & Confusion to Confidence & Clarity as the Parent of a Trans, Non-Binary, or Gender Expansive Child

The TransFamily Alliance Membership Community…

… will meet you exactly where you are in your own gender journey

  • monthly themes and weekly content are designed to answer your burning questions
  • ask any question and get immediate support and resources from parents who are also on this journey
  • provides content and exercises based on where you are on your own gender journey and the unique journey of your child

… uncovers where you are on your own gender journey as a human and as a parent and moves you to the next step

  • doing the key self-discovery work necessary to be the best parent and advocate for your trans child
  • understand how your own history and biases both enhance and get in the way of your parenting
  • understand how your own history, culture, and gender stories impact your own experience of parenting a trans child and how to reconcile conflicts

… professional-led workshops will take you through and beyond Gender Basics training

  • fills in the gaps in your knowledge base
  • Experientially dive deeper into your understanding of gender, gender identity, gender incongruence, and more.
  • know what the differences are between social, medical and legal transitions
  • understand yours and your child’s options around blockers, hormones, and surgeries – are these necessary and when do you need to think about these things?

… improves your parenting and advocacy skills

  • know exactly what to ask to find the right providers for your child, your family and yourself
  • know what your child’s and your parental rights are
  • know when it is okay to slow down and when you need to speed up
  • knowing what is gender related and what is behavior that needs to be addressed and changed

… provides exploration and support for some of your more complicated situations

  • Explores how to manage dismissive family members
  • Co-parenting a gender diverse or trans child
  • Distinguishing between gender dysphoria, gender noise, and other co-occuring issues when things are not straight forward
  • Understanding trauma and how this is expressed in the trans community
  • helping your child manage the intersections of gender & neurodiversity
  • how to recognize and where to find help when faced with serious health and safety issues

… is interactive and accessible when you need it, at your own speed, and in your own time

  • Access the materials, resources, worshops, and get answers when you need them
  • Ask questions anytime and get prompt feedback

… allows you to connect with other parents who are walking in your shoes as well as experts in the field of trans health and advocacy

  • You will have regular access Dr. Shawn Giammattei, a seasoned clinician, educator, researcher, and expert in the field, who is also a member of the trans community
  • You will have access to monthly interviews with top experts in trans health where you can ask your burning questions
  • Dr. Shawn will also bring you content that is both scientifically sound as well as personal
  • He will help you decipher data and how to find what is accurate
  • And be readily available to answer any questions

… most importantly, TransFamily Alliance offers regular interaction and support with other moms walking the same path

  • Learn and build relationships alongside other moms in the same position as you or possibly further along on their journey
  • Become part of a community of trans affirming parents

Frequently Asked Questions

The TransFamily Alliance provides the tools and resources that you need to navigate your gender-affirming journey as the parent of a trans, non-binary, or gender expansive child of all ages with the support of other parents like you. Unlike support groups, you will have access to the community 24/7. Parents in the TransFamily Alliance currently have children ranging in age from 4 to 30 years old. While parents in the community may live in different regions of the U.S., Canada, and abroad, you will also be able to easily connect with parents nearby.

The community platform that the TransFamily Alliance uses works a lot like Facebook but it is private and there are no advertisements or bots following you around. So if you know how to post on Facebook and manage notifications, then you know how to interact with the community. If you don’t, there will be tutorial videos to show you around, and you can always message a host for help. The workshops and recorded resources use a searchable platform that works a bit like Netflix, so you get the content most pertinent to you.

When logged in as a member you’ll…

… have easy access to Dr. Shawn Giammattei and other parents in a private, nurturing, and supportive environment

… be able to ask questions, share articles and resources, and start discussions with everyone on the network

…follow the topics that interest you and ignore the ones that don’t

…hear from and ask questions of guest speakers who are experts on special topics

…have first access as well as continued access to live & digital workshops, trainings, and recordings of expert interviews.

…enjoy live and recorded events like movie nights where we watch relevant documentaries together and discuss them

…start live chat sessions with other parents

…privately message anyone in the community

…access live monthly support meetings with other parents like you

Brief answer: whatever topics you want to discuss about anything for which you need support. Our content is specific to navigating the TransFamily Gender Journey to help you move you from confusion, fear, and doubt to clarity and confidence. You will also develop gender awareness, become more gender informed, support yourself through gender healing, better understand transition decisions, learn to prepare for the process of coming out, growing into a gender warrior for your child and others…

… and much, much more.

To access a community like this and all the resources and expertise normally would cost around $1700 monthly and upwards of $3,000 – $24,000 annually. But accessing all of this as a member of the TransFamily Alliance is available at a whopping 98% savings of just $34.99 a month or $349.99 annually for Essential Access and to make it even better that amount covers two parents or caregivers in a household.

All Available Payment Plans:

  1. TFA Network Lobby Access
    For families balancing financial challenges with essentials like food, rent, and utilities.
    This gives you access to a private network of other parents, gender specialists, and all of our freely available resources. (Contact us here)
  2. TFA Support Access
    One Caregiver Access – $9.99 Monthly or $99.99 Annually
    Two Caregivers – $14.99 Monthly or $149.99 Annually
    For families with very limited disposable income or those facing financial strain.
    Every dollar helps cover our basic expenses, and we hope this amount feels manageable during tough times.
  3. TFA Essential Access
    One Caregiver Access – $24.99 Monthly or $249.99 Annually
    Two Caregivers – $34.99 Monthly or $349.99 Annually
  4. An accessible option for those looking for a steady way to contribute.
    We know that isolation can be a struggle, and we’re here to make sure you and others have access to essential support.
  5. TFA Standard Access
    One Caregiver Access – $34.99 (One Caregiver Access) Monthly or $349.99 Annually
    Two Caregivers – $49.99 (Two Caregivers) Monthly or $499.99 Annually
    Provides 24/7 access to all services, helping us maintain a reliable support network.
    This level helps offset the costs of organizing facilitators and volunteers, ensuring we’re always here for you and your family.
  6. TFA Community Builder Access
    One Caregiver Access – $59.99 (One Caregiver Access) Monthly or $599.99 Annually
    Two Caregivers – $79.99 (Two Caregivers) Monthly or $799.99 Annually
    For those who believe in the power of community and want to help sustain spaces for parents.
    This covers the actual cost per member to maintain and expand our services. With more families reaching out, we’re committed to meeting this growing need.
  7. TFA Flexible Contribution
    ** YOU CHOOSE **
    You know your financial situation best and what you’re able to contribute to help keep the TransFamily Alliance going.
    We’re dedicated to making this accessible for everyone, and your support helps make that possible. (Contact us here)

Yes, to attend live events you will need a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access, a camera and microphone. We will be meeting in a HIPAA-compliant Zoom meeting room.  Support meetings may also use breakout rooms.

To access the TransFamily Alliance community network, private groups, and workshops, you will need a computer, tablet , or phone with internet access. To access the network on a phone or tablet you will need to download the app.

Other than support group meetings, no problem. All other meetings, events, workshops, and interviews will be recorded. And you don’t need any special tech to view them. Our platform is viewable in any web browser and on any device. And of course we also have an online app if you want to watch or listen on the go.

You can watch the replay of any recorded content at any time. You can also comment below the videos if you need clarification on a concept even after the replay is over. You can join or start discussions about the recordings at anytime. You’ll have access to all content as long as you are a member, even after the price goes up for new members. Also, as long as you are a member of the program, as we add material, you will have access to the new items.

Yes! The TransFamily Alliance gives you access to a private community and we will also have private support group meetings that are not recorded. In our group you can get real-time feedback on challenging situations or bring up topics for support. You can also set up private conversations with other members. You always have access to the group for as long as you are a member. You’ll be able to post and comment freely.

If you access and use the membership content within the first 7 days and decide it’s not right for you, a full refund will be issued for annual memberships. After 7 days, refunds are unavailable, but you’ll retain access to the network and materials until your membership ends. For monthly memberships, you can cancel anytime, with full access available through the last paid month.

Please note: we process payments through Stripe, which charges a non-refundable processing fee. If a refund is issued, this Stripe fee will be deducted from the amount you paid. The remaining balance will be returned to your original payment method.

Yes, you can quit your monthly membership at anytime. If you paid annually, unless you quit in the first 30 days, your access to the groups, live meetings, and updated material would end at the end of your subscription year.

The TransFamily Alliance is an ongoing community, so the end date depends on you and when you feel you have received all you need from the community and the resources. We will have quarterly introductory, Welcome Meetings for new members to help you navigate the site, but you will have access to the whole community and all the resources as soon as you join. The day and time for the welcome meeting will be announced in the “Getting Started” area of the network.

The TransFamily Alliance is for all moms, dads, parents, caregivers, grandparents and anyone who is raising or helping to raise a transgender, non-binary, or gender expansive child, adolescent or adult.

This community is not for professionals, teachers, therapists, doctors, or those who work closely with transgender people in a supportive way but are not in a caregiving role. While the content and community might be relevant to therapists, educators, medical providers, etc., the focus of this community is dedicated solely to supporting parents and caregivers.  Contact us at [email protected] if you have questions prior to joining. We want you to be supported and can point you in the right direction even if this isn’t a good fit.

What our members say

“TFA is a welcoming, safe space to find support, community and information and a great way to care for yourself. You have to be able to care for yourself in order to care for your kiddos. It is a much needed space for parents to be able to find and support and it is important for us all to show up for each other. A simple “like”, comment and to show up for some meetings, lifts us all up.”

“Gender 101 work shop for parents was every educational and enlightening Podcasts/Q and A with Dr.Shawn- I can listen to this information as often as I like and I always find new and relavent information to help me and my on as we navigate our gender journey. Notifications about political and legal issues affecting the LGBTQ community, also information /articles about healthcare. Webinar’s like Unpacking and Contextualizing Gender where I met other parents and professionals in the LGBTQ community.”

“TransFamily has given me a place, a community and a sense of belonging. It is a place where I am able to talk with other parents about our gender journey we are all on with our kiddos. A place to share our struggles and our joys, where we know we are understood and supported.”

“I do recommend TFA especially for the live meetings: to me that’s the biggest pro. I also like the ability to ask the group at large a question.”

“I have loved the Q&A and support groups I have attended. I often have a work commitment on Thursday nights so I have not been able to attend many of support groups. I have appreciated the written resources and the chance to ask other parents questions. I have appreciated the videos and other offerings but haven’t made as much use of them as I could. I know I haven’t been able to avail myself of the richness here because other aspects of parenting (dealing with suicidal ideation, self harm, grief over his other mothers death, etc) have often taken more of my time and energy than his trans journey. BUT it’s hard to put in words what a comfort and support it is to know you, Shawn, and the others parents are “there.” It has been a huge support to me as we’ve added a trans journey to everything else on our plate.”

“I have found the connection, education and support that is the core of the TransFamily Alliance to be invaluable. It’s an impactful twofer: The parents’ shared experiences are empowering and uplifting, rich with honesty and encouragement, while Dr. Shawn Giammattei is a compassionate and skilled therapist who guides growth, understanding, and connection for TransFamily Alliance participants. For all the questions, concerns and joys that are part of parenting a transgender or gender-expansive child, I know others will also be grateful to be part of this powerful group that seeks to support families so well.”

“I have recommended it to friends with kids that are gender expansive and I tell them it’s a great resource for information and to learn more. I think the hardest part is getting the reluctant people who really need it to feel like they want to join.”

“Of course I love all that TFA has so offer! I think what is standing out for me right now is the articles of trans kiddo’s and adults sharing their stories. I just read the article about the trans youth in So Cal and the family brings me hope and joy. Also, reading articles about different studies and the goings on in the Trans community are helpful. Movie Nights are a wonderful opportunity for us to “get together” to enjoy a movie or documentary together and have a discussion afterwards. We may not be in person, but this get together is just as important for my wellbeing. Our Monthly Meeting makes me feel validated and even when there have been difficult things shared/discussed, I feel so good to be seen, heard, understood and supported. The Expert Interviews have been incredibly helpful. Even when the topic doesn’t really pertain to my family situation, I take away knowledge and insight into others experience that I can use in my daily life.”

“I enjoy positive news posts that counterbalance negative news I read/hear. I appreciate having the opportunity to join in group sessions although Zoom fatigues me. I’d like to try calling in without the video. Like the workshops, support groups, transparency and all the resources available.”

Join Us As We Support You on Your Gender Journey From Confusion & Fear to Clarity & Confidence Raising A Trans, Non-Binary, or Gender Expansive Child.

Still have questions?
No problem! Ask us live on Messenger right now.

Valued At Over $1200 monthly
Starting at just $24.99 (Ind) – $34.99 (for 2) per Month for the Essential Access
That’s 98% off!

Check Out All Payment Plans in the FAQ

Shawn V Giammattei, PhDWondering who is this guy?

I’m Dr. Shawn Giammattei the founder and CEO of the Gender Health Training Institute and the humble servant of the TransFamily Alliance. I’m a clinical family psychologist, researcher, educator, and a gender specialist (certified by the World Association for Transgender Health) who has helped hundreds of parents like you raising transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive youth on their own gender journeys. I’m very passionate about helping parents and families in general and I’m dedicated to helping you find the clarity and confidence you need to raise a happy, well-adjusted transgender, non-binary or gender expansive child.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, simply cancel your membership at anytime and continue to enjoy the benefits for duration of your paid membership. If you paid for an annual membership and participated but found the group is not right your you, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days. After 30 days, we cannot give a refund, but you’ll retain access to the entire network until your membership ends.

*DISCLAIMER: even though I am a psychologist, this is not a therapy group and this community would in no way be a replacement for therapy. If you do need extra help and you don’t already have someone you work with you should find a gender affirming professional to help you out. This is simply an additional resource and community to support you, it is not therapy.