Surpassing Certainty: What My Twenties Taught Me
Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place (A Transgender Memoir)
SUGAR: A Memoir of Craving

Prequel to Sam’s best-selling Trunky: Transgender Junky, Sugar is a darkly comedic account of his earlier years in which transition from female to male was unthinkable before the 1990s. Yet, it is an obsession that Sam cannot chase or admit and informs every choice she makes in her journey of increasingly dangerous addictions that begins with sugar in the 1960s and reaches a perilous crescendo in heroin and homelessness. Told with the stunning candor and authenticity typical of Sam’s literary style, Sugar is the deeply moving story of anyone, who, seemingly trapped in the dark ambers of mental illness and addiction, learn the courage to change the things that they can, accept the those that they cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Samuel Peterson , 2022
Transgress Press
ISBN: 978-1955348072

Tags: transmasculine, drug addiction, trans voices, Lambda Literary 2016 Finalist

SUGAR: A Memoir of Craving

Prequel to Sam’s best-selling Trunky: Transgender Junky, Sugar is a darkly comedic account of his earlier years in which transition from female to male was unthinkable before the 1990s. Yet, it is an obsession that Sam cannot chase or admit and informs every choice she makes in her journey of increasingly dangerous addictions that begins with sugar in the 1960s and reaches a perilous crescendo in heroin and homelessness. Told with the stunning candor and authenticity typical of Sam’s literary style, Sugar is the deeply moving story of anyone, who, seemingly trapped in the dark ambers of mental illness and addiction, learn the courage to change the things that they can, accept the those that they cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Samuel Peterson , 2022
Transgress Press
ISBN: 978-1955348072

Tags: transmasculine, drug addiction, trans voices, Lambda Literary 2016 Finalist

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