Continuing with the pride celebrations, on July 14 it’s time for non-binary people to be celebrated. Yet many people are up in arms about the recognition of this level of diversity.  If you ́re paying attention to the anti-trans movement and you ask yourself why they are so mad? and why now? especially when we have gained so much ground and acceptance, then keep reading. 

Heterosexual, cisgender people used to think that diversity was all about “being gay” and, although they weren’t all accepting, at some point they started tolerating gay people more. But the truth is, that the variety in which gender presents itself in every person is unique, and the dimensions of sexuality are not limited to being gay or “straight”. The possible combinations of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression and sexual practices are in fact infinite. 

Diversity is the natural condition in nature, and it has been understood in many ancient cultures before certain groups started removing women’s rights and even erasing their roles in history with the purpose of concentrating power. The same groups identified a very powerful tool to control others, namely turning something natural and beautiful into something sinful and a matter of shame and guilt: sexuality. That would give them control over diversity too.

Fighting for women’s rights or gay rights have been threatening to these groups, and the recognition of all forms of diversity that is pushing the envelope so strongly today is making them crazy. 

Non-binary people are perhaps one of the best representations of what it means to break senseless dogmas into shards. Most of us had fallen for the idea we were taught that gender was binary. A notion that is completely wrong! Non-binary people are the definition of thinking outside of the box, or should I say, they´re just living outside of the box? 

Are these people or is this phenomenon new? Not at all! In fact, they´ve been around forever. Before diversity was made into a sin, people were just themselves without issue, but then they were forced into silence. Nothing we see today about sexual/gender diversity is new, but here’s the game changer that is creating both more resistance and more consciousness: language. Please meditate on the next sentence that I heard some time ago:

“Language is the tool humans use to perpetrate their reality.”

I immediately reacted to that affirmation and asked: why “perpetrate”? Didn’t they mean to say “reflect”? Then it hit me; of course, the scandal about inclusive language is all about that! Let me explain: Language reflects our reality, so if something doesn’t make it into our language, it is as if it didn’t exist! Or so they think. It renders people invisible. So, accepting non-binary pronouns is equivalent to accepting the existence of non-binary people and they won’t have that. That’s the real fight!

That´s why they want to perpetrate their reality, but that’s like trying to cover the sun with one finger, because non-binary people have always been a reality. It’s exactly the same as the “Don’t Say Gay” laws, or that new meme of a dad using a shield to protect his kids from a rainbow; pathetic and at the same time so disgusting. If they only knew that the rainbow doesn’t come from outside but from the inside, and there’s nothing they can do about it. 

Language is powerful, and so are the non-binary people who are helping to change our world. We are proud and thankful for their beautiful way of expressing their existence!

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Continuing with the pride celebrations, on July 14 it’s time for non-binary people to be celebrated. Yet many people are up in arms about the recognition of this level of diversity.  If you ́re paying attention to the anti-trans movement and you ask yourself why they are so mad? and why now? especially when we have gained so much ground and acceptance, then keep reading. 

Heterosexual, cisgender people used to think that diversity was all about “being gay” and, although they weren’t all accepting, at some point they started tolerating gay people more. But the truth is, that the variety in which gender presents itself in every person is unique, and the dimensions of sexuality are not limited to being gay or “straight”. The possible combinations of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression and sexual practices are in fact infinite. 

Diversity is the natural condition in nature, and it has been understood in many ancient cultures before certain groups started removing women’s rights and even erasing their roles in history with the purpose of concentrating power. The same groups identified a very powerful tool to control others, namely turning something natural and beautiful into something sinful and a matter of shame and guilt: sexuality. That would give them control over diversity too.

Fighting for women’s rights or gay rights have been threatening to these groups, and the recognition of all forms of diversity that is pushing the envelope so strongly today is making them crazy. 

Non-binary people are perhaps one of the best representations of what it means to break senseless dogmas into shards. Most of us had fallen for the idea we were taught that gender was binary. A notion that is completely wrong! Non-binary people are the definition of thinking outside of the box, or should I say, they´re just living outside of the box? 

Are these people or is this phenomenon new? Not at all! In fact, they´ve been around forever. Before diversity was made into a sin, people were just themselves without issue, but then they were forced into silence. Nothing we see today about sexual/gender diversity is new, but here’s the game changer that is creating both more resistance and more consciousness: language. Please meditate on the next sentence that I heard some time ago:

“Language is the tool humans use to perpetrate their reality.”

I immediately reacted to that affirmation and asked: why “perpetrate”? Didn’t they mean to say “reflect”? Then it hit me; of course, the scandal about inclusive language is all about that! Let me explain: Language reflects our reality, so if something doesn’t make it into our language, it is as if it didn’t exist! Or so they think. It renders people invisible. So, accepting non-binary pronouns is equivalent to accepting the existence of non-binary people and they won’t have that. That’s the real fight!

That´s why they want to perpetrate their reality, but that’s like trying to cover the sun with one finger, because non-binary people have always been a reality. It’s exactly the same as the “Don’t Say Gay” laws, or that new meme of a dad using a shield to protect his kids from a rainbow; pathetic and at the same time so disgusting. If they only knew that the rainbow doesn’t come from outside but from the inside, and there’s nothing they can do about it. 

Language is powerful, and so are the non-binary people who are helping to change our world. We are proud and thankful for their beautiful way of expressing their existence!

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